Despite the fact that everything is going to plan and I should be ready in plenty of time, there is one thing that has been nagging at the back of my mind and keeping me awake at nights - an issue that I've been meaning to get sorted for some time now: Insurance. I've put every penny I have into setting up the van (plus all the extra kit) and buying the car, so while I'm sure it will be fine in between meetings I needed to know that should the worst happen it's all covered.
I also need to make sure that I'm protected personally for medical cover - I guess we all have travel insurance for when we go away but sadly this doesn't cover you for competing in international motorsport (I did ask...). I've been putting it off for some time now, but as the season draws ever closer the time had come to start getting some prices together. I'd imagined that this would be yet another crippling blow to my dwindling budget, but after speaking to Jaz Bareham at Jelf Motorsport Insurance I was relieved to find that it's actually very affordable :)
Because Jelf understand the nature of competing, travel and the storage that goes on between motorsport events, they can tailor the quote very specifically to your needs which ultimately means a better price for you or me. The Green Card policy I chose for transit & storage just bolts on top of my existing motor policy on the van, and covers the vehicle and all its contents (for everything from the car to my tools & HANS device) and covers it against theft the whole time it's in France. You can pay monthly by direct debit, or up front in one go - once you've got the policy in place all you have to do is let them know when you're going and you're fully covered, easy!
The medical cover I've taken works in the same way as would any normal travel insurance policy, you can also add on things like winter sports or World wide cover if you're planning on travelling further afield. On top of this you simply inform Jelf of how many events you're doing & where, the type of motorsport, whether you're pro or amateur and what you're driving. It's a really thorough scheme (I now have £5m of protection for medical costs & repatriation) and Jaz who arranged both policies was super helpful and made everything very easy for me. They cover all kinds of motorsport and have policies for pretty much anything you can think of, give them a try on 01482 388 513
So I'm happy to say that I can now relax in between meetings, and focus on enjoying the season ahead!
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