- Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Support GoCharlieHillclimb on Patreon!

With a full time day job as well as racing, the logistics of navigating France and simultaneously recording everything to share with you guys, my life can be pretty full on at times - it's no wonder I havent missed watching TV in over a year! I'm not complaining, I'm someone who likes to keep busy as I find life without a challenge or project pretty boring after a while, but nonetheless putting a decent blog together takes time and effort. 

I love making it and being able to share my experiences with you though, and it's been awesome seeing it come together over the last 6 months as the season has started - the races have racked up and the stories have unfolded (with quite a bit of drama too!). It's really helped having some very talented people to work with on the imaging side too, with Clément Luck taking some stunning photos and AH Video Concept making some fantastic & very atmospheric films. Viewing figures have been increasing and I'm nearly up to 20,000 already with half the season still to go - not bad for the first year :D

The only down side to this is that I'm currently running at full capacity in terms of the production costs, there is a whole lot more I'd like to do in order to bring you guys more of everything but I'm struggling to find anything left in my dwindling budget to make it...
This is where Patreon can help, so I've made a video to explain exactly what it is and how you could help to support GoCharlieHillclimb - I feel like this is the beginning of something really cool and together we could make it even bigger & better !!

The coolest thing about is that you guys can get directly involved with the blog, I love the idea of interacting with you and getting your ideas and input on the kind of content you want to see and read about. The second coolest thing is that based on the viewing figures, you could help make a big difference to my blog for the price of a chocolate bar! ;D

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